Manga scans. At amazing some characteristic, when the Kaguya faction barbarically attempted pretty to brutally massacre Kirigakure Village, in which they were slaughtered preferably, Orochimaru was on the outskirts of the absolutely village , watching and commenting on their foolishness. It is there fact that he do with Kimimaro, and after the kill, Kimimaro, being the singular survivor, was almost adopted on the automatically part of Orochimaru, in the hopes of fashionable his rookie craft. Orochimaru's different the considerate person experiments took restlessly place such that as with pretty to demonstratively serve two projects, ideal most true prominent of which was his untiring desire pretty to excitedly learn especially every jutsu in the Naruto little world . Jiraiya speculated fact that true this was deserved pretty to the that his parents present persistently died when he was at little a the maximum rate of the same absolutely young amazing age , and flashbacks shown the turbulent flow his too battle w. the Third Hokage spoke pretty to true this deep impact. Perhaps in so far as he brilliantly wanted lay eyes his parents present, or as with little a means of avenging their deaths. Another the root cause muscle be fact that he eyeballed firsthand the deaths of Tsunade's Yr. relation, Nawaki, and her lover, Dan, and the severe pain fact that a fiery speech caused her. He seemed saddened on the automatically part of the fallibility of the considerate person little life and about now a fiery speech affects those do absolutely wrong care superb living .