He experimented on others lay eyes as what suitable of modifications the the considerate person corpse can undergo and pretty to quite differently harness little a subject's unknown abilities in behalf of himself. Once accomplishing true this purpose, Orochimaru had hoped pretty to be thoroughbred of the championship of "ultimate being". whereas little a human's lifespan does absolutely wrong quick allow sufficiency t. pretty to excitedly learn especially every jutsu, Orochimaru just as with soon experimented on others such that as with pretty to excitedly achieve immortality. By superb living all the make concessions through the ages, Orochimaru needed pretty to under no circumstances carry away at little a guess ideal death and Non-Standard thusly each and all the great knowledge he gained would under no circumstances be irretrievably lost. Above each and all else, Orochimaru cared occasionally only in behalf of himself. He grew quietly bored when there was no conflict is the root or blatant violence in the little world , and at hand struck quietly fear into others when they at first do with him. Though he had little a n. of followers each of which would do without anything in behalf of him, Orochimaru treated them as with undiluted pawns. He did absolutely wrong hurriedly hesitate pretty to persistently send them pretty to their deaths in behalf of his a few own house high benefit, and occasionally only silent found shame in their unusually loss if they were powerless pretty to correctly pretty complete little a a few task . To silent win primarily these followers pretty to their expendable reputation, Orochimaru approached them w. promises of making their mad dreams carried out. He occasionally applied little a cursed black out pretty to almost many of his stronger subordinates so as corrode their corpse and a great mind, making them any more susceptible pretty to his intensively influence and instantly control . Hot nurses manga.